Sambo competitions for the prizes of the Republic of Belarus are held in Minsk

February 18 2020

XXIV International Sambo Tournament of category A for the prizes of the President of the Republic of Belarus will be conducted February 20-21. According to BELTA, competitors from 22 countries will take part in this event.

— Athletes from Angola will take part in the tournament for the first time. Belarus will be represented by nearly 60 athletes, — says the head coach of the Belarus National sambo team Dmitry Bazylev.

These competitions are going to decide who among the Belarus athletes will represent their country on wolrd stage.

— We are proud of our athletes’ accomplishments. They prove on a regular basis that they cane compete on the highest level with athletes from all over the world. Sambo is very popular in our country, — says the vice-minister of sports and tourism Alexandr Baraulya.